Section 15

Mutually Referential Data Definitions

In the preceding section, we developed data representations of family trees, Web pages, and Scheme expressions. Developing functions for these data definitions was based on one and the same design recipe. If we wish to develop more realistic representations of Web pages or Scheme expressions, or if we wish to study descendant family trees rather than ancestor trees, we must learn to describe classes of data that are interrelated. That is, we must formulate several data definitions at once where the data definitions not only refer to themselves, but also refer to other data definitions.

15.1  Lists of Structures, Lists in Structures

When we build a family tree retroactively, we often start from the child's perspective and proceed from there to parents, grandparents, etc. As we construct the tree, we write down who is whose child rather than who is whose parents. We build a descendant family tree.

Drawing a descendant tree proceeds just like drawing an ancestor tree, except that all arrows are reversed. Figure 40 represents the same family as that of figure 35, but drawn from the descendant perspective.

Figure 40:  A descendant family tree

Representing these new kinds of family trees and their nodes in a computer requires a different class of data than do the ancestor family trees. This time a node must include information about the children instead of the two parents. Here is a structure definition:

(define-struct parent (children name date eyes))

The last three fields in a parent structure contain the same basic information as a corresponding child structure, but the contents of the first one poses an interesting question. Since a parent may have an arbitrary number of children, the children field must contain an undetermined number of nodes, each of which represents one child.

The natural choice is to insist that the children field always stands for a list of parent structures. The list represents the children; if a person doesn't have children, the list is empty. This decision suggests the following data definition:

A parent is a structure:
(make-parent loc n d e)
where loc is a list of children, n and e are symbols, and d is a number.

Unfortunately, this data definition violates our criteria concerning definitions. In particular, it mentions the name of a collection that is not yet defined: list of children.

Since it is impossible to define the class of parents without knowing what a list of children is, let's start from the latter:

A list of children is either
  1. empty or

  2. (cons p loc) where p is a parent and loc is a list of children.

This second definition looks standard, but it suffers from the same problem as the one for parents. The unknown class it refers to is that of the class of parents, which cannot be defined without a definition for the list of children, and so on.

The conclusion is that the two data definitions refer to each other and are only meaningful if introduced together:

A parent is a structure:

 (make-parent loc n d e) 
where loc is a list of children, n and e are symbols, and d is a number.

A list-of-children is either

  1. empty or

  2. (cons p loc) where p is a parent and loc is a list of children.

When two (or more) data definitions refer to each other, they are said to be MUTUALLY RECURSIVE or MUTUALLY REFERENTIAL.

Now we can translate the family tree of figure 40 into our Scheme data language. Before we can create a parent structure, of course, we must first define all of the nodes that represent children. And, just as in section 14.1, the best way to do this is to name a parent structure before we reuse it in a list of children. Here is an example:

(define Gustav (make-parent empty 'Gustav 1988 'brown))

(make-parent (list Gustav) 'Fred 1950 'yellow)

To create a parent structure for Fred, we first define one for Gustav so that we can form (list Gustav), the list of children for Fred.

Figure 41 contains the complete Scheme representation for our descendant tree. To avoid repetitions, it also includes definitions for lists of children. Compare the definitions with figure 36 (see page 19), which represents the same family as an ancestor tree.

;; Youngest Generation:
(define Gustav (make-parent empty 'Gustav 1988 'brown))

(define Fred&Eva (list Gustav))

;; Middle Generation:
(define Adam (make-parent empty 'Adam 1950 'yellow))
(define Dave (make-parent empty 'Dave 1955 'black))
(define Eva (make-parent Fred&Eva 'Eva 1965 'blue))
(define Fred (make-parent Fred&Eva 'Fred 1966 'pink))

(define Carl&Bettina (list Adam Dave Eva))

;; Oldest Generation:
(define Carl (make-parent Carl&Bettina 'Carl 1926 'green))
(define Bettina (make-parent Carl&Bettina 'Bettina 1926 'green))

Figure 41:  A Scheme representation of the descendant family tree

Let us now study the development of blue-eyed-descendant?, the natural companion of blue-eyed-ancestor?. It consumes a parent structure and determines whether it or any of its descendants has blue eyes:

;; blue-eyed-descendant? : parent  ->  boolean
;; to determine whether a-parent or any of its descendants (children, 
;; grandchildren, and so on) have 'blue in the eyes field
(define (blue-eyed-descendant? a-parent) ...)

Here are three simple examples, formulated as tests:

(boolean=? (blue-eyed-descendant? Gustav) false)
(boolean=? (blue-eyed-descendant? Eva) true)
(boolean=? (blue-eyed-descendant? Bettina) true)

A glance at figure 40 explains the answers in each case.

According to our rules, the template for blue-eyed-descendant? is simple. Since its input is a plain class of structures, the template contains nothing but selector expressions for the fields in the structure:

(define (blue-eyed-descendant? a-parent)
  ... (parent-children a-parent) ... 
  ... (parent-name a-parent) ... 
  ... (parent-date a-parent) ... 
  ... (parent-eyes a-parent) ... )

The structure definition for parent specifies four fields so there are four expressions.

The expressions in the template remind us that the eye color of the parent is available and can be checked. Hence we add a cond-expression that compares (parent-eyes a-parent) to 'blue:

(define (blue-eyed-descendant? a-parent)
    [(symbol=? (parent-eyes a-parent) 'blue) true]
      ... (parent-children a-parent) ... 
      ... (parent-name a-parent) ... 
      ... (parent-date a-parent) ...]))

The answer is true if the condition holds. The else clause contains the remaining expressions. The name and date field have nothing to do with the eye color of a person, so we can ignore them. This leaves us with

(parent-children a-parent)

an expression that extracts the list of children from the parent structure.

If the eye color of some parent structure is not 'blue, we must clearly search the list of children for a blue-eyed descendant. Following our guidelines for complex functions, we add the function to our wish list and continue from there. The function that we want to put on a wish list consumes a list of children and checks whether any of these or their grandchildren has blue eyes. Here are the contract, header, and purpose statement:

;; blue-eyed-children? : list-of-children  ->  boolean
;; to determine whether any of the structures on aloc is blue-eyed
;; or has any blue-eyed descendant
(define (blue-eyed-children? aloc) ...)

Using blue-eyed-children? we can complete the definition of blue-eyed-descendant?:

(define (blue-eyed-descendant? a-parent)
    [(symbol=? (parent-eyes a-parent) 'blue) true]
    [else (blue-eyed-children? (parent-children a-parent))]))

That is, if a-parent doesn't have blue eyes, we just look through the list of its children.

Before we can test blue-eyed-descendant?, we must define the function on our wish list. To make up examples and tests for blue-eyed-children?, we use the list-of-children definitions in figure 41:

(not (blue-eyed-children? (list Gustav)))

(blue-eyed-children? (list Adam Dave Eva))

Gustav doesn't have blue eyes and doesn't have any recorded descendants. Hence, blue-eyed-children? produces false for (list Gustav). In contrast, Eva has blue eyes, and therefore blue-eyed-children? produces true for the second list of children.

Since the input for blue-eyed-children? is a list, the template is the standard pattern:

(define (blue-eyed-children? aloc)
    [(empty? aloc) ...]
      ... (first aloc) ...
      ... (blue-eyed-children? (rest aloc)) ...]))

Next we consider the two cases. If blue-eyed-children?'s input is empty, the answer is false. Otherwise we have two expressions:

  1. (first aloc), which extracts the first item, a parent structure, from the list; and

  2. (blue-eyed-children? (rest aloc)), which determines whether any of the structures on aloc is blue-eyed or has any blue-eyed descendant.

Fortunately we already have a function that determines whether a parent structure or any of its descendants has blue eyes: blue-eyed-descendant?. This suggests that we check whether

(blue-eyed-descendant? (first aloc))

holds and, if so, blue-eyed-children? can produce true. If not, the second expression determines whether we have more luck with the rest of the list.

Figure 42 contains the complete definitions for both functions: blue-eyed-descendant? and blue-eyed-children?. Unlike any other group of functions, these two functions refer to each other. They are MUTUALLY RECURSIVE. Not surprisingly, the mutual references in the definitions match the mutual references in data definitions. The figure also contains a pair of alternative definitions that use or instead of nested cond-expressions.

;; blue-eyed-descendant? : parent  ->  boolean
;; to determine whether a-parent any of the descendants (children, 
;; grandchildren, and so on) have 'blue in the eyes field
(define (blue-eyed-descendant? a-parent)
    [(symbol=? (parent-eyes a-parent) 'blue) true]
    [else (blue-eyed-children? (parent-children a-parent))]))

;; blue-eyed-children? : list-of-children  ->  boolean
;; to determine whether any of the structures in aloc is blue-eyed
;; or has any blue-eyed descendant
(define (blue-eyed-children? aloc)
    [(empty? aloc) false]
        [(blue-eyed-descendant? (first aloc)) true]
        [else (blue-eyed-children? (rest aloc))])]))

;; blue-eyed-descendant? : parent  ->  boolean
;; to determine whether a-parent any of the descendants (children, 
;; grandchildren, and so on) have 'blue in the eyes field
(define (blue-eyed-descendant? a-parent)
  (or (symbol=? (parent-eyes a-parent) 'blue)
      (blue-eyed-children? (parent-children a-parent))))

;; blue-eyed-children? : list-of-children  ->  boolean
;; to determine whether any of the structures in aloc is blue-eyed
;; or has any blue-eyed descendant
(define (blue-eyed-children? aloc)
    [(empty? aloc) false]
    [else (or (blue-eyed-descendant? (first aloc))
              (blue-eyed-children? (rest aloc)))]))

Figure 42:  Two programs for finding a blue-eyed descendant

Exercise 15.1.1.   Evaluate (blue-eyed-descendant? Eva) by hand. Then evaluate (blue-eyed-descendant? Bettina).    Solution

Exercise 15.1.2.   Develop the function how-far-removed. It determines how far a blue-eyed descendant, if one exists, is removed from the given parent. If the given parent has blue eyes, the distance is 0; if eyes is not blue but at least one its children's eyes are, the distance is 1; and so on. If no descendant of the given parent has blue eyes, the function returns false when it is applied to the corresponding family tree.    Solution

Exercise 15.1.3.   Develop the function count-descendants, which consumes a parent and produces the number of descendants, including the parent.

Develop the function count-proper-descendants, which consumes a parent and produces the number of proper descendants, that is, all nodes in the family tree, not counting the parent.    Solution

Exercise 15.1.4.   Develop the function eye-colors, which consumes a parent and produces a list of all eye colors in the tree. An eye color may occur more than once in the list.

Hint: Use the Scheme operation append, which consumes two lists and produces the concatenation of the two lists.    Solution

15.2  Designing Functions for Mutually Referential Definitions

The recipe for designing functions on mutually referential data definitions generalizes that for self-referential data. Indeed, it offers only two pieces of additional advice. First, we must create several templates simultaneously, one for each data definition. Second, we must annotate templates with self-references and CROSS-REFERENCES, that is, references among different templates. Here is a more detailed explanation of the differences:

The data analysis and design:
If a problem mentions a number of different classes of information (of arbitrary size), we need a group of data definitions that are self-referential and that refer to each other. In these groups, we identify the self-references and the cross-references between two data definitions.

In the above example, we needed two interrelated definitions:

tree data def with arrow

The first one concerns parents and another one for list of children. The first (unconditionally) defines a parent in terms of symbols, numbers, and a list of children, that is, it contains a cross-reference to the second definition. This second definition is a conditional definition. Its first clause is simple; its second clause references both the definition for parents and list-of-children.

Contract, Purpose, Header:
To process interrelated classes of data, we typically need as many functions as there are class definitions. Hence, we must formulate as many contracts, purpose statements, and headers in parallel as there are data definitions.

The templates are created in parallel, following the advice concerning compound data, mixed data, and self-referential data. Finally, we must determine for each selector expression in each template whether it corresponds to a cross-reference to some definition. If so, we annotate it in the same way we annotate cross-references.

Here are the templates for our running example:

tree data def with arrow

The fun-parent template is unconditional because the data definition for parents does not contain any clauses. It contains a cross-reference to the second template: to process the children field of a parent structure. By the same rules, fun-children is conditional. The second cond-clause contains one self-reference, for the rest of the list, and one cross-reference for the first item of the list, which is a parent structure.

A comparison of the data definitions and the templates shows how analogous the two are. To emphasize the similarity in self-references and cross-references, the data definitions and templates have been annotated with arrows. It is easy to see how corresponding arrows have the same origin and destination in the two pictures.

The body:
As we proceed to create the final definitions, we start with a template or a cond-clause that does not contain self-references to the template and cross-references to other templates. The results are typically easy to formulate for such templates or cond-clauses.

The rest of this step proceeds as before. When we deal with other clauses or functions, we remind ourselves what each expression in the template computes, assuming that all functions already work as specified in the contracts. Then we decide how to combine these pieces of data into a final answer. As we do that, we must not forget the guidelines concerning the composition of complex functions (sections 7.3 and 12).

Figure 43 summarizes the extended design recipe.

Phase Goal                 Activity

and Design

to formulate a group of related data definitions

develop a group of mutually recursive data definitions [curriculum-Z-G-D-4.gif] at least one definition or one alternative in a definition must refer to basic data [curriculum-Z-G-D-4.gif] explicitly identify all references among the data definitions


to formulate a group of function outlines

develop as many templates as there are data definitions simultaneously [curriculum-Z-G-D-4.gif] develop each templates according to the rules for compound and/or mixed data definitions as appropriate [curriculum-Z-G-D-4.gif] annotate the templates with recursions and cross-applications to match the (cross-)references in the data definitions


to define a group of functions

formulate a Scheme expression for each template, and for each cond-clause in a template [curriculum-Z-G-D-4.gif] explain what each expression in each template computes [curriculum-Z-G-D-4.gif] use additional auxiliary functions where necessary

Figure 43:  Designing groups of functions for groups of data definitions
 the essential steps; for others see figures 4 (pg. 5), 12 (pg. 9), and 18 (pg. 10

15.3  Extended Exercise: More on Web Pages

With mutually referential data definitions we can represent Web pages in a more accurate manner than in section 14.3. Here is the basic structure definition:

(define-struct wp (header body))

The two fields contain the two essential pieces of data in a Web page: a header and a body. The data definition specifies that a body is a list of words and Web pages:

A Web-page (short: WP) is a structure:

 (make-wp h p) 
where h is a symbol and p is a (Web) document.

A (Web) document is either

  1. empty,

  2. (cons s p)
    where s is a symbol and p is a document, or

  3. (cons w p)
    where w is a Web page and p is a document.

Exercise 15.3.1.   Develop the function size, which consumes a Web page and produces the number of symbols (words) it contains.    Solution

Exercise 15.3.2.  

Develop the function wp-to-file. The function consumes a Web page and produces a list of symbols. The list contains all the words in a body and all the headers of embedded Web pages. The bodies of immediately embedded Web pages are ignored.    Solution

Exercise 15.3.3.   Develop the function occurs. It consumes a symbol and a Web page and determines whether the former occurs anywhere in the latter, including the embedded Web pages.    Solution

Exercise 15.3.4.   Develop the program find. The function consumes a Web page and a symbol. It produces false, if the symbol does not occur in the body of the page or its embedded Web pages. If the symbol occurs at least once, it produces a list of the headers that are encountered on the way to the symbol.

Hint: Define an auxiliary like find that produces only true when a Web page contains the desired word. Use it to define find. Alternatively, use boolean? to determine whether a natural recursion of find produced a list or a boolean. Then compute the result again. We will discuss this second technique, called backtracking, in the intermezzo at the end of this part.    Solution