The previous section significantly expands our world of data. We must now deal with a universe that contains booleans, symbols, and structures of many kinds. Let's bring some order to this world.
Up to this point, our functions have always processed subclasses of four different kinds of data:24
On occasion, however, a function must process a class of data that includes both numbers and structures or structures of several different kinds. We learn to design such functions in this section. In addition, we learn how to protect functions from bad uses. Here a bad use means that some user can accidentally apply a function for drawing circles to a rectangle. Although we have agreed that such users violate our data definitions, we should nevertheless know how to protect our functions against such uses, when necessary.
In the preceding section, we used posn
structures with exactly two
components to represent pixels. If many of the pixels are on the x axis,
we can simplify the representation by using plain numbers for those pixels
and posn
structures for the remaining ones.
Figure 16 contains a sample collection of such points. Three
of the five points, namely, C, D, and E, are on the x axis. Only
two points require two coordinates for an accurate description: A
and B. Our new idea for representing points permits us to describe
this class of points succinctly: (make-posn 6 6)
for A
(make-posn 1 2)
for B
; and 1, 2, and 3 for C
, and E
, respectively.
If we now wish to define the function distance-to-0
, which consumes
such point representations and produces their distance to the origin, we
are confronted with a problem. The function may be applied to a number or a posn
. Depending on the class to which the input belongs,
must employ a different method to calculate the
distance to the origin. Thus we need to use a cond-expression to
distinguish the two cases. Unfortunately, we don't have any operations to
formulate the appropriate conditions.
To accommodate this kind of function, Scheme provides PREDICATES, which are operations that recognize a particular form of data. The predicates for the classes of data we know are:
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a number and false
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a boolean value and false
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a symbol and false
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a structure and false
For each structure definition, Scheme also introduces a separate predicate so that we can distinguish between distinct classes of structures. Suppose the Definitions window contains the following structure definitions:25
(define-struct posn (x y)) (define-struct star (last first dob ssn)) (define-struct airplane (kind max-speed max-load price))
Then, Scheme also knows the following three predicates:
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a posn
structure and false
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a star
structure and false
, which consumes an arbitrary value and produces
if the value is a airplane
structure and false
Hence a function can distinguish a structure from a number as well as a
structure from an airplane
Exercise 7.1.1. Evaluate the following expressions by hand:
(number? (make-posn 2 3))
(number? (+ 12 10))
(posn? 23)
(posn? (make-posn 23 3))
(star? (make-posn 23 3))
Check the answers in DrScheme.
Now we can develop distance-to-0
. Let's start with a data
a number
, or
a posn
Stating the contract, purpose, and header is straightforward:
;;distance-to-0 : pixel-2 -> number
;; to compute the distance ofa-pixel
to the origin (define (distance-to-0 a-pixel) ...)
As mentioned before, the function must distinguish between its two kinds of inputs, which can be accomplished with a cond-expression:
(define (distance-to-0 a-pixel) (cond [(number? a-pixel) ...] [(posn? a-pixel) ...]))
The two conditions match the two possible inputs of the new
function. If the first one holds, the input is a
pixel on the x axis. Otherwise the pixel is a posn
structure. For
the second cond
-line, we also know that the input contains two
items: the x and y coordinates. To remind ourselves, we
annotate the template with two selector expressions:
(define (distance-to-0 a-pixel) (cond [(number? a-pixel) ...] [(posn? a-pixel) ... (posn-x a-pixel) ... (posn-y a-pixel) ... ]))
Completing the function is easy. If the input is a number, it is the distance to the origin. If it is a structure, we use the old formula for determining the distance to the origin:
(define (distance-to-0 a-pixel) (cond [(number? a-pixel) a-pixel] [(posn? a-pixel) (sqrt (+ (sqr (posn-x a-pixel)) (sqr (posn-y a-pixel))))]))
Let us consider a second example. Suppose we are to write functions that
deal with geometric shapes. One function might have to compute the area
covered by a shape, another one the perimeter, and a third could draw the
shape. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that the class of shapes
includes only squares and circles and that their description includes their
location (a posn
) and their size (a
Information about both shapes must be represented with structures, because both have several attributes. Here are the structure definitions:
(define-struct square (nw length)) (define-struct circle (center radius))
and the matching data definition:
a circle structure:
(make-circle p s)
is a posn
and s
is a number; or
a square structure:
(make-square p s)
is a posn
and s
is a number.
Together, the two classes make up the class of shapes:
The next step of our design recipe requires that we make up examples. Let's start with input examples:
(make-square (make-posn 20 20) 3)
(make-square (make-posn 2 20) 3)
, and
(make-circle (make-posn 10 99) 1)
To make up examples of input-output relationships, we need to know the
purpose of the function. So suppose we need the function perimeter
which computes the perimeter
of a shape. From geometry, we know that
the perimeter of a square is four times its side, and the perimeter of a circle
is times the diameter, which is twice the radius.26 Thus, the perimeter
of the above three examples are:
, 12
, and (roughly)
, respectively.
Following the design recipe and the precedent of distance-to-0
, we
start with the following skeleton of the function:
;;perimeter : shape -> number
;; to compute the perimeter ofa-shape
(define (perimeter a-shape) (cond [(square? a-shape) ... ] [(circle? a-shape) ... ]))
because the function must first determine to which class a-shape
Furthermore, each possible input is a structure, so we can also add two
selector expressions to each cond
;;perimeter : shape -> number
;; to compute the perimeter ofa-shape
(define (perimeter a-shape) (cond [(square? a-shape) ... (square-nw a-shape) ... (square-length a-shape) ...] [(circle? a-shape) ... (circle-center a-shape) ... (circle-radius a-shape) ...]))
The selector expressions remind us of the available data.
Now we are ready to finish the definition. We fill the gaps in the two answers by translating the mathematical formulae into Scheme notation:
(define (perimeter a-shape) (cond [(square? a-shape) (* (square-length a-shape) 4)] [(circle? a-shape) (* (* 2 (circle-radius a-shape)) pi)]))
Since the position of a shape does not affect its perimeter, the template's
selector expressions for nw
and center
Exercise 7.1.2.
Test perimeter
with the examples.
Exercise 7.1.3.
Develop the function area
, which consumes either a circle or a
square and computes the area. Is it possible to reuse the template for
by changing the name to area
The function development in the preceding section suggests some amendments to our design recipe. Specifically, the data analysis step, the template construction step, and the definition of the function's body require adjustments.
The example of the preceding section deals with two distinct kinds of shapes, each of which has several properties. We captured this idea with the following data definition:
a circle structure:
(make-circle p s)
is a posn
and s
is a number; or
a square structure:
(make-square p s)
is a posn
and s
is a number.
It specifies that every shape
belongs to one of two subclasses of
For a data definition to make sense, it must be possible to formulate
conditions that distinguish the various subclasses in a definition. That
is, if x
stands for a piece of data in the defined class, we must
be able to use built-in and user-defined predicates to distinguish the
enumerated subclasses from each other. In our running example, the two
conditions would be (square? x)
and (circle? x)
Here is the template for our running example:
;; f : shape -> ???
(define (f a-shape)
[(square? a-shape) ...]
[(circle? a-shape) ...]))
The output specification and the purpose statement are missing to emphasize that a template has no connection to the output or the purpose of a function.
Once we have formulated the template for the conditional, we refine the
template further, cond
-line by cond
-line. If the purpose
of a line is to process atomic information, we are done. If a line
processes compound data, we enrich the template with appropriate selector
Let's illustrate the idea with our running example again:
(define (f a-shape) (cond [(square? a-shape) ... (square-nw a-shape) ... (square-length a-shape) ...] [(circle? a-shape) ... (circle-center a-shape) ... (circle-radius a-shape) ...]))
separately, simply considering the question what is the output if we are
given this kind of input. All other cases are ignored as we work out one
particular clause. Suppose we want to define a function that computes the perimeter of a shape. Then we start from the template and fill in the gaps:
;;perimeter : shape -> number
;; to compute the perimeter ofa-shape
(define (perimeter a-shape) (cond [(square? a-shape) (* (square-length a-shape) 4)] [(circle? a-shape) (* (* 2 (circle-radius a-shape)) pi)]))
Figure 17 summarizes the development of our running example.
The remaining steps of the recipes in figures 4, 6, and 12 should be followed on an as-is basis. Figure 18 summarizes the design recipe, with all steps included.
Even a cursory comparative reading of the design recipes in
sections 2.5, 4.4, 6.5, and the
current one suggests that the data analysis and the template design steps
are becoming more and more important. If we do not understand what kind of
data a function consumes, we cannot design it and organize it properly. If,
however, we do understand the structure of the data definition and organize
our template properly, it is easy to modify or to extend a function. For
example, if we add new information to the representation of a
, then only those cond
-clauses related to circles
may require changes. Similarly, if we add a new kind of shape to our data
definition, say, rectangles, we must add new cond
-clauses to our
Exercise 7.2.1. Develop structure and data definitions for a collection of zoo animals. The collection includes
Then develop a template for functions that consume zoo animals.
Develop the function fits?
. The function consumes a zoo animal and
the volume of a cage. It determines whether the cage is large enough for
the animal.
Exercise 7.2.2. The administrators of metropolitan transportation agencies manage fleets of vehicles. Develop structure and data definitions for a collection of such vehicles. The collection should include at least buses, limos, cars, and subways. Add at least two attributes per class of vehicle.
Then develop a template for functions that consume vehicles.
As we analyze a problem statement, we might wish to develop the data representation in stages. This is especially true when the problem statement mentions several different kinds of objects. It is easier to understand several smaller data definitions than one larger one.
Let's return to our shape problem again. Instead of the class of shapes in a single data definition, we could start with two data definitions, one for each basic shape:
(make-circle p s)
is a posn
and s
is a number.
(make-square p s)
is a posn
and s
is a number.Once we have developed and understood the basic data definitions, possibly by playing with examples and by writing simple functions, we can introduce data definitions that combine them. For example, we can introduce a data definition for a class of shapes that refers to the two above:
a circle
, or
a square
Now suppose we need a function that consumes shape
First, we form a cond-expression with conditions for each part of the data
;; f : shape -> ???
(define (f a-shape)
[(circle? a-shape) ...]
[(square? a-shape) ...]))
Given our guideline concerning the composition of functions from section 3.1 and given that the data definition refers to two other data definitions, the natural second step is to pass the argument to auxiliary functions:
(define (f a-shape) (cond [(circle? a-shape) (f-for-circle a-shape)] [(square? a-shape) (f-for-square a-shape)]))
This, in turn, requires that we develop the two auxiliary functions,
and f-for-square
, including their
If we follow this suggestion, we arrive at a collection of three functions, one per data definition. The essential points of the program development are summarized in the right column of figure 19. For a comparison, the left column contains the corresponding pieces of the original program development. In each case, we have as many functions as there are data definitions. Furthermore, the references between the functions in the right column directly match the references among the corresponding data definitions. While this symmetry between data definitions and functions may seem trivial now, it becomes more and more important as we study more complex ways of defining data.
Exercise 7.3.1.
Modify the two versions of perimeter
so that they also process
rectangles. For our purposes, the description of a rectangle includes its
upper-left corner, its width, and its height.
In section 6.6, we developed functions for drawing, translating, and clearing circles and rectangles. As we have just seen, we should think of the two classes of data as subclasses of a class of shapes so that we can just draw, translate, and clear shapes.
Exercise 7.4.1. Provide a data definition for a general class of shapes. The class should at least subsume the classes of colored circles and rectangles from section 6.6.
Develop the template fun-for-shape
, which outlines functions that
consume shape
Exercise 7.4.2.
Use the template fun-for-shape
to develop draw-shape
The function consumes a shape
and draws it on the
Exercise 7.4.3.
Use the template fun-for-shape
to develop
. The function consumes a shape
and a number
, and produces a shape whose key position is moved by
pixels in the x direction.
Exercise 7.4.4.
Use the template fun-for-shape
to develop clear-shape
The function consumes a shape
, erases it from the canvas, and
returns true
Exercise 7.4.5.
Develop the function draw-and-clear-shape
. The function consumes
a shape
, draws it, sleeps for a while, and clears it. If all the
effects work out, it produces true
Exercise 7.4.6.
Develop move-shape
, which moves a shape across the canvas. The
function consumes a number (delta) and a shape. The function should
draw-and-clear the shape and return a new shape that has been translated by
delta pixels. Use this function several times to move a shape across the
;;area-of-disk : number -> number
;; to compute the area of a disk with radiusr
(define (area-of-disk r) (* 3.14 (* r r)))
Clearly, our friends may wish to use this function, especially for some of their geometry homework. Unfortunately, when our friends use this function, they may accidentally apply it to a symbol rather than a number. When that happens, the function stops with a whimsical and uninformative error message:
> (area-of-disk 'my-disk) *: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: 'my-disk; ...
Using predicates, we can do better.
To prevent this kind of accident, we should define checked versions of
our functions, when we wish to hand them to our friends. In general, a
inputs an arbitrary Scheme value: a number, a
boolean, a symbol, or a structure. For all those values that are in the
class of values for which the original function is defined, the checked
version applies the latter; for all others, it signals an
error. Concretely, checked-area-of-disk
consumes an arbitrary
Scheme value, uses area-of-disk
to compute the area of the a disk
if the input is a number, and stops with an error message otherwise.
Based on the enumeration of Scheme's classes of values, the template for a checked function is as follows:
;; f : Scheme-value -> ???
(define (f v)
[(number? v) ...]
[(boolean? v) ...]
[(symbol? v) ...]
[(struct? v) ...]))
Each line corresponds to one possible class of input. If we need to distinguish between the structures, we expand the last line appropriately.
The first clause is the only one where we can use area-of-disk
For the others, however, we must signal an error. In Scheme we use the
operation error
to do so. It consumes a symbol and a string. Here
is an example:
(error 'checked-area-of-disk "number expected")
Hence the full definition of checked-area-of-disk
(define (checked-area-of-disk v) (cond [(number? v) (area-of-disk v)] [(boolean? v) (error 'checked-area-of-disk "number expected")] [(symbol? v) (error 'checked-area-of-disk "number expected")] [(struct? v) (error 'checked-area-of-disk "number expected")]))
Using else
we can greatly simplify the function:
;;checked-area-of-disk : Scheme-value -> number
;; to compute the area of a disk with radiusv
, ;; ifv
is a number (define (checked-area-of-disk v) (cond [(number? v) (area-of-disk v)] [else (error 'checked-area-of-disk "number expected")]))
Of course, such a simplification may not always be possible and may require
a reordering of the cond
-clauses first.
Writing checked functions and simplifying them is important if we distribute the programs to others. Designing programs that work properly, however, is far more important. The book therefore focuses on the design process for the program proper and deemphasizes writing checked versions.
Exercise 7.5.1.
A checked version of area-of-disk
can also enforce that the
arguments to the function are positive numbers, not just arbitrary numbers.
Modify checked-area-of-disk
in this way.
Exercise 7.5.2.
Develop checked versions of the functions
(figure 5),
(section 4.2),
(section 5),
(section 6.1),
(in the left column of
figure 19).
Exercise 7.5.3. Take a look at these structure and data definitions:
(define-struct vec (x y))
A speed-vector (vec) is a structure:
(make-vec x y)
and y
are positive numbers.
Develop the function checked-make-vec
, which should be understood
as a checked version of the primitive operation make-vec
. It
ensures that the arguments to make-vec
are positive numbers, and
not just arbitrary numbers. In other words, checked-make-vec
enforces our informal data definition.