The only self-referential data definitions we have seen thus far involved
and lists of arbitrary length. We needed such data
definitions because the classes of lists that we wanted to process were of
arbitrary size. Natural numbers are another class of data whose elements
are of arbitrary size; after all, there is no limit on how large a natural
number can be, and, at least in principle, a function should be able to
process them all.
In this section, we study how to describe natural numbers with self-referential data definitions and how to develop functions that process natural numbers in a systematic fashion. Since such functions come in many flavors, we study several different flavors of definitions.
People normally introduce natural numbers via enumeration: 0
, 2
, etc.34 The
abbreviation ``etc.'' at the end says that the series continues in this
manner. Mathematicians and mathematics teachers often use dots for the same
purpose. For us, however, neither the ``etc.'' nor the dots is good
enough, if we wish to design functions on natural numbers
systematically. So, the question is what it means to write down ``etc.,''
or put differently, what a complete, self-contained description of the
natural numbers is.
The only way to remove the informal ``etc.'' from the enumeration is to describe the collection of numbers with a self-referential description. Here is a first attempt:
0 is a natural number.While this description is still not quite rigorous,35 it is a good starting point for a Scheme-style data description:
If n is a natural number, then one more than n is one, too.
(add1 n)
if n
is a natural number.
The operation add1
adds 1
to a natural
number. Of course, we could use (+ ... 1)
but add1
stands out and signals ``natural number,'' as opposed to arbitrary number,
to the reader of a data definition and a function.
Although we are familiar with natural numbers from school, it is instructive to construct examples from the data definition. Clearly,
is the first natural number, so
(add1 0)
is the next one. From here, it is easy to see the pattern:
(add1 (add1 0)) (add1 (add1 (add1 0))) (add1 (add1 (add1 (add1 0))))
The examples should remind us of the lists construction process. We built
lists by starting with empty
and by cons
tructing on more
items. Now we build natural natural numbers by starting with 0
by add
ing on 1
. In addition, natural numbers come with
century-old abbreviations. For example, (add1 0)
is abbreviated as
, (add1 (add1 0))
as 2
, and so on.
A function on natural numbers must extract the number that went into the
construction of a positive natural number just like a function on lists
must extract the list that went into a cons
tructed list. The
operation that performs this ``extraction'' is called sub1
. It
satisfies the law
(sub1 (add1 n)) = n
just as the rest
operation satisfies the law
(rest (cons a-value a-list)) = a-list
Of course, (- n 1)
would also work, but sub1
stands out
and signals that the function processes natural numbers.
Let us develop the function hellos
. It consumes a natural number
and produces a list of n
copies of 'hello
. We
can write the contract for this function:
;;hellos : N -> list-of-symbols
;; to create a list ofn
copies of'hello
(define (hellos n) ...)
And we can make up examples:
(hellos 0) ;; expected value: empty
(hellos 2) ;; expected value: (cons 'hello (cons 'hello empty))
The design of a template for hellos
follows the design recipe for
self-referential data definitions. We immediately see that hellos
is a conditional function, that its cond-expression has two
clauses, and that the first clause must distinguish 0
from other
possible inputs:
(define (hellos n) (cond [(zero? n) ...] [else ...]))
Furthermore, the data definition says that 0
is an atomic value,
and every other natural number is a compound value that ``contains'' the
predecessor to which 1
was added. Hence, if n
is not
, we subtract 1
from n
. The result is also a
natural number, so according to the design recipe we wrap the expression
with (hellos ...)
(define (hellos n) (cond [(zero? n) ...] [else ... (hellos (sub1 n)) ... ]))
Now we have exploited every hint in the data definition and are ready to proceed with the definition.
Assume (zero? n)
evaluates to true. Then the answer must be
, as the examples illustrate. So assume the input is greater
than 0
. For concreteness, let us say it is 2
. According
to the suggestion in the template, hellos
should use
(hellos 1)
to compute a part of the answer. The purpose statement
specifies that (hellos 1)
produces (cons 'hello empty)
, a
list with one 'hello
. In general, (hellos (sub1 n))
produces a list that contains n - 1 occurrences of 'hello
Clearly, to produce a list with n
occurrences, we must
another 'hello
onto this list:
(define (hellos n) (cond [(zero? n) empty] [else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 n)))]))
As usual, the final definition is just the template with a few extras.
Let's test hellos
with some hand-evaluations:
(hellos 0) = (cond [(zero? 0) empty] [else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 0)))]) = (cond [true empty] [else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 0)))]) = empty
It confirms that hellos
works properly for the first example.
Here is another example:
(hellos 1)
= (cond
[(zero? 1) empty]
[else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 1)))])
= (cond
[false empty]
[else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 1)))])
= (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 1)))
= (cons 'hello (hellos 0)
= (cons 'hello empty)
For the last step in the calculation, we can exploit that we already know
that (hellos 0)
evaluates to empty
and replace the
(underlined) expression with its result.
The last hand-evaluation shows that the function works for the second example:
(hellos 2)
= (cond
[(zero? 2) empty]
[else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 2)))])
= (cond
[false empty]
[else (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 2)))])
= (cons 'hello (hellos (sub1 2)))
= (cons 'hello (hellos 1)
= (cons 'hello (cons 'hello empty))
We can again exploit what we know about (hellos 1)
, which greatly
shortens the hand-evaluation.
Exercise 11.2.1.
Generalize hellos
to repeat
, which consumes a natural
number n
and a symbol and produces a list with n
occurrences of the symbol.
Exercise 11.2.2.
Develop the function tabulate-f
, which tabulates the values of
;; f : number -> number
(define (f x)
(+ (* 3 (* x x))
(+ (* -6 x)
for some natural numbers. Specifically, it consumes a natural number
and produces a list of n
s. The first one
combines n
with (f n)
, the second one n-1
(f n-1)
, etc.
Exercise 11.2.3.
Develop apply-n
. The function consumes a natural number,
. It applies the function move
exercise 10.3.6 n
times to FACE
, the list of
shapes from exercise 10.3.1. Each application should
translate the shape by one pixel. The purpose of the function is to
simulate a continuously moving shape on a canvas, the last missing piece of
the extended exercise 10.3.
Exercise 11.2.4. Lists may contain lists that contain lists and so on. Here is a data definition that takes this idea to an extreme:
where s
is some symbol or
(cons dl empty)
, where dl
is a deep list.
Develop the function depth
, which consumes a deep list and
determines how many times cons
was used to construct it.
Develop the function make-deep
, which consumes a symbol
and a natural number and produces a deep list containing
and cons
tructed with n
We often encounter situations where we would like to create lists of data
that involve numbers. For example, we may wish to create large lists of
numbers to test a function like extract1
section 10.2 on large lists instead of hand-coded small
ones. Sometimes we would like to visualize randomly picked data. We can
create such functions using recursion on natural numbers and a
random number generator.
Exercise 11.3.1.
Scheme provides the operation random
. It consumes a natural number
greater than 1, and produces a random integer between 0
and n - 1
;;random : N -> N
;; to compute a natural number between0
(define (random n) ...)
Two successive uses of (random n)
may produce two distinct results.
Now consider the following definition:
;; random-n-m : integer integer -> integer
;; ...
;; Assume: n < m
(define (random-n-m n m)
(+ (random (- m n)) n))
Formulate a succinct and precise purpose statement for random-n-m
Use a number line with an interval to explain the result of (random
. Use a symbolic evaluation to support your
Exercise 11.3.2.
Develop the function tie-dyed
. It consumes a natural number and
produces a list of that many numbers, each randomly chosen in the range
from 20
and 120
. Use tie-dyed
to apply
exercise 9.5.8.
Exercise 11.3.3.
Develop the function create-temps
. It consumes a natural number
and two integers, called low
and high
. It
produces a list of n
integers that are between low
Use create-temps
to test check-range
exercise 9.5.4.
Finally, discuss the following questions. Can we simply feed the result of
into check-range
or do we need to know the
list that create-temps
produced? Are there values for low
and high
such that we don't need to know the result of
and yet we can predict the result of the test? Which
function tests which? What does this tell us about testing with
automatically generated test data?
Exercise 11.3.4.
Develop the function create-prices
, which consumes a natural
number and produces a list with a corresponding number of prices between
$.10 and $10.00 with increments of a dime. Use create-prices
test dollar-store?
from exercise 9.5.3.
Hint: How many dimes are there between $.10 and $10.00?
Exercise 11.3.5.
Develop a program that visualizes a student riot. In preparation of a
student riot, a small group of students meets to make paint-filled
balloons. The typical riot uses 'red
only. Then, on the evening of
the riot, the students enter a university's progressive theater with the
balloons and throw them all over the seats.
The program's only input should be a natural number, which represents the number of balloons thrown. The visualization should use a canvas that contains a black grid and the positions of the balls:
Assume a random distribution of the balls over the theater's seats. Each box in the grid represents a seat. Configure the program so the change of one variable definition changes the number of columns in the grid and a change to another changes the number of rows.
Hint: Develop auxiliary functions that draw some given number of lines in the
vertical and the horizontal direction.
Using the above, standard data definition for natural numbers makes it
easy to develop all kinds of functions on numbers. Consider, for example,
a function that multiplies the first n
numbers. Put differently,
it consumes a natural number n
and multiplies all numbers
between 0
(exclusive) and n
(inclusive). The function
is called factorial and has the mathematical notation !
. Its
contract is easy to formulate:
;; ! : N -> N
;; to compute n · (n - 1) · ... · 2 · 1
(define (! n) ...)
It consumes a natural number and produces one.
Specifying its input-output relationship is a bit more tricky. We
know, of course, what the product of 1
, 2
, and
is, so we should have
(= (! 3) 6) and, similarly, (= (! 10) 3628800)
The real question is what to do with the input 0
. According to the
informal description of the task, !
is supposed to produce the
product of all numbers between 0
(exclusive) and n
(inclusive), the argument. Since n
is 0
, this request is
rather strange because there are no numbers between 0
and 0
(inclusive). We solve the problem by following mathematical
convention and set that (! 0)
evaluates to 1
From here, the rest is straightforward. The template for !
is clearly that of a natural number processing function:
(define (! n) (cond [(zero? n) ...] [else ... (! (sub1 n)) ...]))
The answer in the first cond
-clause is given: 1
. In the
second clause, the recursion produces the product of the first n -
numbers. To get the product of the first n
numbers, we just
need to multiply the (value of the) recursion by
. Figure 31 contains the complete definition of
Exercise 11.4.1.
Determine the value of (! 2)
by hand and with DrScheme.
Also test !
with 10
, 100
, and 1000
Note: The results of these expressions are large numbers, well
beyond the native capacities of many other
programming languages.
Now suppose we wish to design the function product-from-20
, which computes the
product from 20
(exclusive) to some number n
that is greater or equal to 20
. We have several choices
here. First, we could define a function that computes (! n)
(! 20)
and divides the former by the latter. A simple mathematical
argument shows that this approach indeed yields the product of all numbers
between 20
(exclusive) and n
Exercise 11.4.2.
Use the idea to define product
, a function that consumes two natural
numbers, n
and m
, with m > n
, and that produces
the product of the numbers between n
(exclusive) and m
Second, we can follow our design recipe, starting with a precise
characterization of the function's input. Obviously, the inputs belong to
the natural numbers, but we know more than that. It belongs to the following
collection of numbers: 20
, 21
, 22
, .... By now
we know how to describe such a set precisely with a data definition:
A natural number [>= 20]
is either
(add1 n)
if n
is a natural number [>= 20]
Notation: In contracts, we use N [>= 20]
instead of ``natural numbers [>= 20]
Using the new data definition, we can formulate a contract for
;; product-from-20: N [>= 20] -> N
;; to compute n · (n - 1) · ... · 21 · 1
(define (product-from-20 n-above-20) ...)
Here is a first example for product-from-20
's input-output specification:
(= (product-from-20 21) 21)
Since the function multiplies all numbers between 20
and its input, (product-from-20 21)
must produce 21
which is the only number in the interval. Similarly,
(= (product-from-20 22) 462)
for the same reason. Finally, we again follow mathematical convention and agree that
(= (product-from-20 20) 1)
The template for product-from-20
is a straightforward adaptation of the
template for !
, or any natural number-processing function:
(define (product-from-20 n-above-20) (cond [(= n-above-20 20) ...] [else ... (product-from-20 (sub1 n-above-20)) ...]))
The input n-above-20
is either 20
or larger. If it is
, it does not have any components according to the data
definition. Otherwise, it is the result of adding 1
to a
natural number [>= 20]
, and we can recover this ``component'' by
subtracting 1
. The value of this selector expression belongs to
the same class of data as the input and is thus a candidate for natural
Completing the template is equally straightforward. As specified, the
result of (product-from-20 20)
is 1
, which determines the
answer for the first cond
-clause. Otherwise,
(product-from-20 (sub1 n-above-20))
already produces the product
of all the numbers between 20
(exclusive) and n-above-20 -
. The only number not included in this range is
. Hence (* n-above-20 (product-from-20 (sub1
is the correct answer in the second
clause. Figure 31 contains the complete definition of
Exercise 11.4.3.
Develop product-from-minus-11
. The function consumes an integer
greater or equal to -11
and produces the product of all
the integers between -11
(exclusive) and n
Exercise 11.4.4.
In exercise 11.2.2, we developed a function that
tabulates some mathematical function f
for an interval
of the shape (0,n].
Develop the function tabulate-f20
, which tabulates the values of
for natural numbers greater than 20
. Specifically,
the function consumes a natural number n
greater or equal to
and produces a list of posn
s, each of which has the
shape (make-posn n (f n))
for some n
(exclusive) and n
A comparison of !
and product-from-20
suggests the
natural question of how to design a function that multiplies all
natural numbers in some range. Roughly speaking, product
is like
except that the limit is not a part of the function
definition. Instead, it is another input, which suggests the following
;; product: N N -> N
;; to compute n · (n - 1) · ... · (limit + 1) · 1
(define (product limit n) ...)
The intention is that product
, like product-from-20
, computes the
product from limit
(exclusive) to some number n
(inclusive) that is greater or equal to limit
Unfortunately, product
's contract, in contrast with
's, is rather imprecise. In particular, it does not
describe the collection of numbers that product
consumes as the
second input. Given its first input, limit
, we know that the
second input belongs to limit
, (add1 limit)
(add1 (add1 limit))
, etc. While it is easy to enumerate
the possible second inputs, it also shows that the description of the
collection depends on the first input -- an unusal situation that we
have not encountered before.
Still, if we assume limit is some number, the data description for the second input is nearly obvious:
Let limit
be a natural number. A natural
number [>= limit]
) is either
(add1 n)
if n
is a natural number [>= limit]
In other words, the data definition is like that for natural numbers
[>= limit]
with 20
replaced by a variable
. Of course, in high school, we refer to
as the natural numbers, and
as the positive integers.
With this new data definition, we specify the contract for product
as follows:
;; product: N[limit] N [>= limit] -> N
;; to compute n · (n - 1) · ... · (limit + 1) · 1
(define (product limit n) ...)
That is, we name the first input, a natural number, with the notation
and specify the second input using the name for the
first one.
The rest of the program development is straightforward. It is basically
the same as that for product-from-20
with 20
replaced by
throughout. The only modification concerns the natural
recusion in the function template. Since the function consumes a
and a N [>= limit]
, the template
must contain an application of product
to limit
(sub1 n)
(define (product limit n) (cond [(= n limit) ...] [else ... (product limit (sub1 n)) ...]))
Otherwise things remain the same. The full function definition is contained in figure 31.
Exercise 11.4.5.
In exercises 11.2.2 and 11.4.4, we developed
functions that tabulate f
from some natural number or natural
number [>= 20]
down to 0
or 20
Develop the function tabulate-f-lim
, which tabulates the values of
in an analogous manner from some natural number n
down to some other natural number limit
Exercise 11.4.6.
In exercises 11.2.2, 11.4.4,
and 11.4.5, we developed
functions that tabulate the mathematical function f
in various
ranges. In both cases, the final function produced a list of posn
that was ordered in descending order. That is, an expression like
(tabulate-f 3)
yields the list
(cons (make-posn 3 2.4) (cons (make-posn 2 3.4) (cons (make-posn 1 3.6) (cons (make-posn 0 3.0) empty))))
If we prefer a list of posn
s in ascending order, we
must look at a different data collection, natural numbers up to a
certain point in the chain:
A natural number [<= 20]
is either
(sub1 n)
if n
is a natural number [<= 20]
Of course, in high school, we refer to N[<=-1]
as the negative integers.
;; tabulate-f-up-to-20 : N [<= 20] -> N
(define (tabulate-f-up-to-20 n-below-20) ...)
which tabulates the values of f
for natural numbers less than
. Specifically, it consumes a natural number n
than or equal to 20
and produces a list of posn
s, each of
which has the shape (make-posn n (f n))
for some n
between 0
and n
Exercise 11.4.7.
Develop the function is-not-divisible-by<=i
. It consumes a
natural number [>= 1]
, i
, and a natural number
, with i < m
. If m
is not divisible by any
number between 1
(exclusive) and i
(inclusive), the
function produces true
; otherwise, its output is false
Use is-not-divisible-by<=i
to define prime?
, which
consumes a natural number and determines whether or not it is prime.
The natural numbers are a small subset of Scheme's numbers, not all of
them. Hence the function template above cannot be used for
processing arbitrary numbers, in particular, inexact numbers. Still, the template is
a good starting point for functions whose definitions involve both natural
numbers and other Scheme numbers. To illustrate this point, let us design
the function add-to-pi
, which consumes a natural number n
and produces n + 3.14
without using +
Following the design recipe, we start with
;;add-to-pi : N -> number
;; to compute n + 3.14 without using+
(define (add-to-pi n) ...)
Another easy step is to determine the output for a few sample inputs:
(= (add-to-pi 0) 3.14) (= (add-to-pi 2) 5.14) (= (add-to-pi 6) 9.14)
The difference between hellos
's contract (see exercise 11.2.1)
and that of add-to-pi
is the output, but as we have seen this
does not affect the template design. We obtain the template for
by renaming hellos
(define (add-to-pi n) (cond [(zero? n) ...] [else ... (add-to-pi (sub1 n)) ... ])))
In combination with the examples, the template immediately suggests how to
complete the function. If the input is 0
, add-to-pi
answer is 3.14
. Otherwise, (add-to-pi (sub1 n))
produces (- n 1) + 3.14
; since the correct answer is 1
more than this value, the answer expression in the second
-line is (add1 (add-to-pi (sub1 n)))
. Figure 32 contains the complete function definition.
Exercise 11.5.1.
Define add
, which consumes two natural numbers, n
, and produces n + x
without using Scheme's
Exercise 11.5.2.
Develop the function multiply-by-pi
, which consumes a natural
number and multiplies it by 3.14
without using *
. For
(= (multiply-by-pi 0) 0) (= (multiply-by-pi 2) 6.28) (= (multiply-by-pi 3) 9.42)
Define multiply
, which consumes two natural numbers, n
and x
, and produces n * x
without using Scheme's
. Eliminate +
from this definition, too.
Hint: Recall that multiplying x
by n
means adding
to itself n
Exercise 11.5.3.
Develop the function exponent
, which consumes a natural number
and a number x
and computes
from this definition, too.
Hint: Recall that exponentiating x
by n
means multiplying
with itself n
Exercise 11.5.4.
Deep lists (see exercise 11.2.4) are another representation for
natural numbers. Show how to represent 0
, 3
, and
Develop the function addDL
, which consumes two deep lists,
representing the natural numbers n
and m
, and produces a
deep list representing n + m